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Alan Urban - profile picture VIB Conferences

Alan Urban

NERF, VIB, KU Leuven Department of Neurophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, imec, BE

Dr. Alan URBAN received his Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology from Lorraine University in 2008, funded by the French Ministry of Research and Technology. In 2010, he graduated in experimental surgery from Paris Descartes university. From 2009 to 2012, he was an assistant professor of neuroscience in the engineering school ESPCI in Paris and a postdoctoral researcher at CNRS. From 2012 to 2016, he was a postdoctoral researcher leading a team at Hospital Sainte-Anne/INSERM in Paris. He significantly contributed to the spread of functional ultrasound imaging (fUSI) technology. Since 2016, he has been a group leader at the Neuro-Electronics Research Flanders (NERF), empowered by VIB, KU Leuven, and imec (Belgium). Alan has also been an invited scientist at the RIKEN Institute (Japan) and Tel-Aviv University (Israel). He has received several scientific and entrepreneurship awards, such as the Nobert Segard Price (2013) and the from Paris City Hall at the 117th Concours Lépine (2017). Alan is a multi-entrepreneur with medical imaging technology, art, and real estate activities. He is a part-time professor in the Neurophysiology department at KU Leuven.

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