Asset 2 Conferences
Van Gucht, Steven - VIB Conferences

Steven Van Gucht

Head of the Laboratory of Viral Diseases at Sciensano, BE

Since 2010, Steven Van Gucht heads the Laboratory of Viral Diseases at the Belgian Scientific Institute of Public Health (Sciensano, Brussels). His division integrates several national reference centres for medical microbiology, including the Belgian National Reference Centre of Influenza, Hepatitis Viruses A, B, C, D and E, Measles Mumps, Rubella, Rabies and Human Papillomaviruses.

In 2012, he was nominated as the Belgian National Microbiology Focal Point for the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC, Stockholm). As such, he represents the Belgian public health microbiology system at the ECDC and assists the ECDC with advice on public health microbiology structures and processes, laboratory quality, biosafety, capacity building and reference laboratory activities.

Since January 2020, he advices the Belgian government on the risks and management of the COVID-19 pandemic, first as president of the Scientific Committee COVID-19 and later as member of Celeval-1 and GEMS. He also served as Interfederal Spokesperson on the COVID-19 crisis.

He holds a PhD in Veterinary Sciences (virology) and was appointed a position as visiting professor at Ghent University in 2014.

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